李香蘭 Ri Kouran

Title: 李香蘭
Title (romaji): Ri Kouran / Ri Koran
Title (Chinese): Li Xianglan
Format: Tanpatsu
Genre: Historical
Episodes: 2
Viewership ratings: 9.1% (Ep.1), 8.5% (Ep.2)
Broadcast network: TV Tokyo
Broadcast period: 2007-Feb-11 to 2007-Feb-12
Air time: 20:54 - 23:18
The drama tells the story of Yamaguchi Yoshiko, a Japanese woman born and raised in China during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. She debuts as the Chinese singer and actress Li Xianglan (Ri Kouran in Japanese), in the hopes that her efforts will work towards the benefit of both Japan and China. Hiding her true nationality, however, she slowly discovers herself becoming a puppet of the Japanese military's propaganda efforts in Manchuria, starring in "national policy" films that humiliate the Chinese people. But billed as the "star of Greater East Asia," her popularity soars across borders to Japan, where she holds a concert that draws thousands to the Nihon Gekijou Theatre and leads to a riot that injures several people. Based on her autobiography, this is the story of her personal struggle amidst military strife between her two homelands.
Ueto Aya as Ri Kouran (Yamaguchi Yoshiko)
Hashizume Isao as Yamaguchi Fumio (Yoshiko's father)
Natori Yuko as Yamaguchi Ai (Yoshiko's mother)
Kikukawa Rei as Kawashima Yoshiko
Nakamura Shido as Amakasu Masahiko
Sawamura Ikki as Kawakita Nagamasa
Ozawa Yukiyoshi as Kodama Hidemi
Ono Takehiko as Yamaga Toru
Nakamura Fukusuke (中村福助) as Hasegawa Kazuo
Kaneda Akio as Azuma Keizo
Tsuruta Shinobu as Uchida Tomu
Nishida Ken as Lt. Gen. Yoshioka Yasunao
Nakayama Megumi as Chen Yunshang
Saito Yoichiro (斉藤陽一郎) as Tamura Taijiro
Fukami Motoki as Matsuoka Kenichiro
Ishibashi Tamotsu as Noguchi Hisamitsu
Maeda Koyo as Hattori Ryoichi
Kawamata Shinobu (川俣しのぶ) as Atsumi Masako
Noda Yoshiko (野田よし子) as Kawakita Kashiko
Honda Shinya (本多新也) as Tsuji Kyuichi
Yoshimitsu Ryota (吉満涼太) as Koide Takashi
Saito Satoru as Yamanashi Minoru
Tokui Yuu as Makino Mitsuo
Matsuzawa Kazuyuki as Ueno Shinji
Suzuki Masayuki as Watanabe Kunio
Ayata Toshiki as Police Capt. Kanazawa
Ishii Hideaki (石井英明) as Negishi Kanichi
Saito Bunta (斉藤文太) as Ikeda Sentaro
Taguchi Shusho (田口主将) as Kume Masao
Nogiwa Yoko as Narrator / Present-day Ri Kouran
Wang Wei Hua (王偉華) as Puyi
Li Lin (李琳) as Wan Rong
Feng Min Min (馮敏敏) as Miss Liu
Yao Ke Qin (姚克勤) as Li Jichun
Wang Min (王敏) as Pan Yugui
Lu Xiao Lin (呂曉霖) as Wen Guihua
Lu Yi Jun (鹿宜均) as Meng Hong