




Mizuno Aiya is a mysterious master in love who has come hired as the manager of a convenice store. If the love doctrine he imparts is put into practice, a female’s heart will be won in no time. A man’s looks, wealth or ability does not matter. In fact, he can be a completely worthless fellow and there will still be a way for him to succeed. Mizuno starts to give instruction on the popularity techniques which he has independently studied to the three unpopular male part-timers at the convenice store. There is the short and nerdy Imada Satoshi, the miserly but flippant Nishida Akira, and the handsome narcissist Ota Yusuke. 1) “Isn’t it tough?” theory: “It must be rough on you” are the magical words to get through a conversation even for someone who is not a good talker; 2) “fixate disperse” theory: don’t focus on one person, target five at the same time so you can talk to your favourite without feeling tense; and 3) “superficial kindness” theory: Your capacity for romance will soar dramatically just by remembering. If Mizuno’s doctrine is carried out, Imada, Nishida and Ota who have not known romance at all will immediately be able to go out with the females they adore! And now they bravely start to grapple with romance.. - JdramaWeblog

Nakamura Shido, Hamano Kenta, Akiyama Ryuji, Shioya Shun, Hashimoto Nanami, Sugi Arisa, Rio

ロストデイズ Lost.Days. Ep01

ロストデイズ Lost.Days. Ep01

Title: Lost Days
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Suspense
Episodes: 10
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2014-Jan-11 start
Air time: Saturdays 23:10

A group of university students who belong to the same tennis club, Shino Yuta, Sakurada Miki, Sasaki Rinka, Takano Natsu, Fueki Mana, Tachibana Satsuki and Sakurada Wataru, go on a graduation trip to a cottage in the mountains in winter. Although the seven members seem to be good friends, each of them actually has secrets which they cannot tell anyone about; hidden feelings of love and jealousy. Yuta, the cool and brilliant president of the club, is attracted to the sociable and trusting Miki, and intends to tell her about his feelings on this trip, but things do not work out the way he wants. Miki is dating Yuta’s good friend, the free-spirited Natsu and is so into him that she is blind to her surroundings. The seven friends have conflicting positions and when love starts to go down the tubes, a murder occurs like a bolt from the blue. Amid the fear and doubt, hidden emotions begin to come into the open through exchanges which probe each other’s intentions. -- JDramas

Seto Koji as Shino Yuta
Ishibashi Anna as Sakurada Miki
Triendl Reina as Sasaki Rinka
Yoshizawa Ryo as Takano Natsu
Kojima Fujiko as Fueki Mana
Miyoshi Ayaka as Tachibana Satsuki
Kiriyama Renn as Sakurada Wataru

リーガル・ハイ2 EP01-10

リーガル・ハイ2 EP01-10
リーガル・ハイ2 EP01-10

Title: リーガル・ハイ
Title (English): Legal High
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Law, comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 18.4%
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2013-Oct-09 to 2013-Dec-18
Air time: Wednesday 22:00
Theme song: SLY by RIP SLYME
Opening title song: Re: by 9nine

リーガル・ハイ2 EP10

リーガル・ハイ2 EP10
リーガル・ハイ2 EP10

Title: Legal High 2
Episodes: TBA
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2013-Oct-09 start
Air time: Wednesday 22:00
Theme song: SLY by RIP SLYME
Opening title song: Re: by 9nine

Komikado-sensei is back! And together with him, Mayuzumi and Hattori. This season, a new employee joins their team. Hanyu Haruki comes from a rich family. His father owns a highly profitable trading company, while his mother is a children's books writer. Hanyu has lived in England, Saudi Arabia and USA, before returning to Japan to sit for his bar exam. After finishing his apprenticeship, he joins the Public Prosecutor department. To broaden his experience, Hanyu is loaned out to Komikado's law firm.

Sakai Masato as Komikado Kensuke
Aragaki Yui as Mayuzumi Machiko
Satomi Kotaro as Hattori
Taguchi Junnosuke as Kaga Ranmaru
Okada Masaki as Hanyu Haruki
Koyuki as Ando Kiwa
Kuroki Haru as Honda Jane
Furutachi Kanji as Isogai Kunimitsu
Namase Katsuhisa as Miki Choichiro
Koike Eiko as Sawachi Kimie

London Hearts ロンドンハーツ - 2013.12.03

London Hearts ロンドンハーツ - 2013.12.03


LIAR GAME Season2 EP01-09

LIAR GAME Season2 EP01-09


神崎直 - 戸田恵梨香
秋山深一 - 松田翔太
フクナガユウジ(福永ユウジ) / 塚原悠 - 鈴木浩介
横谷ノリヒコ - 鈴木一真
葛城リョウ - 菊地凛子
谷村光男 - 渡辺いっけい
エリー - 吉瀬美智子
塚原悠 - 桂亜沙美
清蘭 - 遊井亮子
神崎正 - 福井友信
秋山美智子 - 雨宮るみ子
コウタ - 石田愛希(子役)
タモツ - 細田よしひこ(Season2のキャスト)
丘辺雪也 - 石橋蓮司(Season2のキャスト)
丘辺麗子 - 逢沢りな(Season2のキャスト)
武田幸四郎 - 熊谷知博(Season2のキャスト)
ハセガワ - 北大路欣也


「LIAR GAME」3回戦で秋山と共に「LIAR GAME」を抜け出した直は、その後2年間平穏無事で幸せな日々を送っていた。だが、そんな彼女の元に再び「LGT事務局」から1億円と4回戦進出の招待状が届く。一度は参加を拒否する直だったが、谷村の口車に乗せられ再び「LIAR GAME」に身を投じることになる。

一方、海外を放浪していた秋山は母の命日に日本に帰郷した際、エリーに「LIAR GAME」4回戦に誘われる。秋山は終わったはずの「LIAR GAME」にはまだ何か裏があることを感じ、参戦を決意。直と秋山はかつての対戦者だったフクナガと共に「LIAR GAME」4回戦に挑むことになった。

リーガル・ハイ2 EP09

リーガル・ハイ2 EP09
リーガル・ハイ2 EP09

Title: Legal High 2
Episodes: TBA
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2013-Oct-09 start
Air time: Wednesday 22:00
Theme song: SLY by RIP SLYME
Opening title song: Re: by 9nine

Komikado-sensei is back! And together with him, Mayuzumi and Hattori. This season, a new employee joins their team. Hanyu Haruki comes from a rich family. His father owns a highly profitable trading company, while his mother is a children's books writer. Hanyu has lived in England, Saudi Arabia and USA, before returning to Japan to sit for his bar exam. After finishing his apprenticeship, he joins the Public Prosecutor department. To broaden his experience, Hanyu is loaned out to Komikado's law firm.

Sakai Masato as Komikado Kensuke
Aragaki Yui as Mayuzumi Machiko
Satomi Kotaro as Hattori
Taguchi Junnosuke as Kaga Ranmaru
Okada Masaki as Hanyu Haruki
Koyuki as Ando Kiwa
Kuroki Haru as Honda Jane
Furutachi Kanji as Isogai Kunimitsu
Namase Katsuhisa as Miki Choichiro
Koike Eiko as Sawachi Kimie

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